Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Did We Survive?

Survive what you may ask?

This past Sunday we went to the Arizona Science Center to see the Titanic Exhibit. It was amazing.

We got a late start thanks to me and the sinus infection/strep throat that I insisted on seeing a doctor for. I went to a "Minute Clinic" inside a CVS. Yes, I stepped foot into a CVS. Both feet actually. However, the Minute Clinic took a little longer than a minute and two hours later I had my antibiotics and was ready to contaminate anyone I came in contact with at the science center. NOT the point of my story.

The science center tried to manage the number of people in the Titanic exhibit by putting times on your ticket so that only so many people went in every 15 minutes. While you were in line waiting to enter, a museum employee gave you a card. On that card was "your" name as a passenger on the Titanic. It told you your age, where you were from, who you were travelling with as well as what class you were in. It also included some information about you and why you were on the Titanic. The museum employee also told us that one of the last rooms in the exhibit had a list of all the passengers--who survived and who didn't. We were to look and see if we survived.

I was Miss Mary Davis. I was in second class and I was traveling alone to visit my sister in New York. Gabe, my 10 year old nephew, was Major Butt. Boy did that make Gabe laugh. Jim was Jacob Astor, the wealthiest man on the Titanic who was traveling with his 18 year old pregnant wife (Jacob Astor was 47). My Dad was Mr. Thomas Drake Martinez Cardeza who occupied the most expensive seat on the Titanic. Mom was Mrs. Sebastino del Carlo. She was pregnant and one of many newlywed couples on board.

The Titanic exhibit was really cool. Artifacts and pictures... The lighting was subdued and the music was perfect. (There was me in the middle of it coughing my brains out running over people with Cade in the stroller) There was an iceberg that you could touch and feel just how cold it was. (Gabe and Brandon had a contest to see who could keep their hand on it the longest...then Gabe put his forehead on it. Boys...)

We got to the last room with the list of people. I survived. Mom survived. There was definitely an advantage being a woman on the Titanic--and not in the third class. All the men died EXCEPT for Dad. Mr. Thomas Drake survived. Gabe informed his Granddad that he was a JERK. He probably pushed some woman out of a life boat so he could get on! It was very interesting--and a great way to get the people there for the exhibit involved in what they were seeing.

When we were done, we took Cade to a play area while the rest of our group looked at the rest of the science center. Cade was in his glory. Some older girls (like 5 or 6) came in and took over the little "house" that was in the play area. Cade had been throwing plastic food out the window of this house, but then the girls came in. Then Cade was sitting in the corner of this little house and the girls put blocks in front of him to be his high chair and handed him plastic fruits and vegetables to eat.

He thought it was great.

I thought it was hilarious.

1 comment:

K said...

That sounds like an amazing exhibit. I'm glad you enjoyed my boys. I just hope you didn't infect them!

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...