Wednesday, July 23, 2008

As So It Begins

Cade has had a cough FOREVER.

When I say, "FOREVER", I really mean "FOREVER".

It isn't a cough that is constant during the day. However, it seems to be activity induced and it becomes pretty bad during naps and at night time. It is making life pretty rough. Cade doesn't sleep as well--and wakes up super early from coughing fits. He also seems to get exhausted from activity quicker--and even though he would keep doing things, I make him rest so he can catch his breath.

Cade has been treated for bronchiolitis several times in the past two years. But each time he has had an episode, they have been far enough apart that none of the doctors would say that he has asthma. Okay, I can live without the label, but I can't live without the drugs and resources to treat it. Neither can Cade.

I took Cade to the doctor on Monday. The doctor said his lungs sounded good, but after listening to his situation, agreed that something else needed to be done to help control his breathing. So, we started Cade on an inhaled steroid. Better for him that oral steroids. But this is something we have to do twice a day every day. Not too bad, except that it is a solution to be put in the nebulizer. Breathing treatments. Cade HATES them. I was dreading starting them today.

I was more concerned since the last time we had to do treatments he still had his pacifier during the day. So that helped calm him a little. I was afraid that without it, he would freak out even more. However, Cade surprised me. I offered him a lollipop (and yes, it was only 6:30 in the morning) but he pretty much did the treatment without complaint. So, luckily Dum Dums are pretty small because he will now be getting two a day. And we will be brushing his teeth even more carefully. I know. It is bribery. But, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.



Angel said...

If that's the worst your doing, then I say your a pretty darn good mommy!

Blade said...

Poor little guy .. hope the breathing treatments help kick that cough and make life easier on you both.

K said...

Poor little Peanut. Give him lots of loving from Aunt Kim.

I miss you all so much!!!!

Jennifer said...

There are some cute masks out there with fish and stuff on them. We have always called Em's neb tx's elephant meds since the the hose kinda looks like an elephant trunk. Hope it all works!

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...