Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Blood-Sucker

Because I had gestational diabetes with Cade, my OB wanted me to go for an early glucose tolerance test.

For those of you who have not had the pleasure of this test, let me explain it to you.

You go to the lab, drink 12 ounces of a sickeningly sweet tang-like drink that makes you want to puke, then sit for a hour to wait to have your blood drawn. It is so much fun. Then for the rest of the day you regurgitate the nasty orange drink. Ughhh.... The good news for me is if this test doesn't show and glucose intolerance, I GET TO DO IT AGAIN in 12 weeks! WOO HOO! Can't wait....

Yes I can.

Well, I hate having my blood drawn, but usually the anticipation is much worse than the actual blood draw. Not in this case. You can see in the picture below where the blood was drawn...which seemed strange to begin with as the vampire prepared my arm for the blood draw...and more than strange, it hurt! This is what my bruise looks like 24 hours later. It is much prettier in person!

1 comment:

K said...

It's October. You really should be watching out for the disreputable blood suckers!

I don't know whether to hope for a positive or negative result. You don't want to have to go through that again but wouldn't it be awesome if you didn't get it this time around?


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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...