Saturday, August 29, 2009

I have a blog?

Wow. I almost forgot I had a blog... But, since I did remember, you can now suffer through my long overdue--and possibly long-winded update.

  • We were honored with a visit from our friend's the Peterson's for Cade's 3rd birthday. It was so much fun to have them here. Swimming, eating, drinking, card was wonderful. Cade LOVED having two boys to play with. They hunted dragons and bad guys with a strange assortment of weapons (foam swords, drum sticks, spatulas)... You can check out Jaime's account of their visit here. One of the best things we did was take the boys to Ridemakerz. It is like a grown up version of Build-a-Bear. Instead of making teddy bears, you make cool cars or trucks. Cade and Kole made the same truck--same color. I think the Dads had just as much fun as the little boys!

  • Cade turned three on August 17th! I am not sure how my baby boy is three. Is it really possible? Apparently it is. We had a fun party at Peter Piper Pizza. Backyardigan themed. For those of you who don't know who the Backyardigans are, well, no loss there! Cade had a great time and I didn't have a house to clean up! It was a win-win situation!

  • The weekend after Cade's birthday, we took a quick trip to California to go to Legoland. My parents came with us and we all piled in their car for the long drive. My two boys did very well considering we were on the road for about 7 hours each way. Cade liked Legoland. He loved driving the cars--but was NOT thrilled that he ended up on a roller coaster with me. It was pretty tame, but he said it was "scary, scary, scary, scary, scary". Most kids think it was fun after the fact, but Cade will NOT say that it was fun. Maybe in a few years...On Sunday we went to Sea Life. Cade loved the fish and Zane enjoyed them, too.

    • Cade started preschool. He is doing well--or he did in the first week. He seems to enjoy it!Of course, to be in preschool, he is supposed to be fully potty trained. However, that seems to be an issue for us. Cade understands the concept. He can even execute the concept when forced. But, the key word is forced. It is a full out raging battle to get Cade to go to the bathroom. I actually found an article on line about potty training REFUSAL. It isn't that he isn't capable, it is a power struggle. So, the recommendation was that you make the child in charge. WHAT? That is exactly what he wants. So, Cade is back in pull-ups for now. At least until we come back from vacation and see his pediatrician for his 3 year well check. Maybe we can get some good advice then.
    • After our trip, Zane will go for his six month well check. He has grown so much! He actually has rolls on his legs! He was sooo skinny for such a long time, that he has plumped up in like the last 6 weeks. He went from weighing 12 lbs 5 oz on 7/13 to over 16 pounds tonight! He had some catching up to do and he has done it! Zane has mastered rolling over to his tummy--but hasn't quite mastered rolling back over on his back. So, several times a night he cries because he is stuck. Great fun!
    • We leave for Hawaii soon! I can NOT wait. The long plane ride with two kids isn't as exciting, but the destination is well worth the travel. Maui here we come!


    The Peterson's said...

    Yes, isn't it easy to put off blogging for another night when there is Farmville on Facebook?! Aren't we sad! Keep up the cute pictures (although feel free to omit me) and the stories. I love your boys and you! Miss you!

    K said...

    Wow, he really is Gabe. The stubborn was our issue too. He will not be 12 and still in pull-ups, I promise. Unfortunately, that's all the advice I've got for ya.

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    About Me

    A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...