Sunday, October 4, 2009

Toilet Training Tribulations and Triumphs

I think we have done it. We have found the right bribe.

We have been having issues with our stubborn-if -it- isn't- my- idea -it -I -am- not -doing- it- three year old and potty training. He just was refusing. When we took him for his 3 year old well check, the doctor said to give him a little time and try again. She suggested that even though we had tried different incentives maybe we hadn't touched on the right one...Well, I think we found it.

They were going to be discussing pets at preschool so they were asked to bring in a picture of a pet they had or a pet they wanted. Since there are NO pets in my house, my Mom helped Cade pick a pet he would like. Cade decided he wanted a fish. A goldfish like Dorothy, Elmo's fish. **LIGHT BULB!**

Cade was told he was not allowed to go back to school in pull-ups. He was not supposed to be wearing them, so when the teacher noticed them, we got a phone call. But Cade loves school and was doing well. Didn't want to pull him out over potty training--especially when he knew how to do it. So the bribe...the fish.

We bought a fish tank, rocks, plants, and little figures. We bought fish food. Every day that Cade was dry, he got another piece to his tank. He knows that when the tank is all ready, he gets his fish. We have had NO accidents. Amazing. We found the right bribe. We are still working on number two, but, one step at a time... WOO HOO!

Speaking of well check appointments, Cade weighed in at 43 pounds and 41 inches tall! In the 99th% for height and weight. Zane was over 17 pounds. He gained 5 pounds in the last two months. Guess he had some catching up to do! He went from being in the 5th % for weight to the 50th%. Now he is right where he should be. Happy, chubby, healthy. Love it.


Angel said...

Im so glad you found the right bribe. Awesome!

And yay for Zane gaining weight!!

K said...

Oh those stubborn boys. I feel your pain my dear. Be thankful it was just a fish and not a snake or a lizzard. ALTHOUGH, you could just catch one of the lizzards on your patio...

I love you and miss you and can't wait to see you!!!!!

The Peterson's said...


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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...