Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Nyquil Time

I am sick. Surprise, surprise.

Yes, Cade was sick for weeks, so it is really not surprising that I am now. I am miserable. So before I drug myself to sleep with Walquil (okay, the Walgreen's brand isn't really called that, but it should be) I thought I would post about Cade's 18-month well check appointment today.

Cade weighs in at just over 27 pounds (but carry him for a while--I swear it is closer to 100) and is 33.5 inches tall! That puts him in the 75% for weight and 90% for height. He is right on track as far as development goes. He can run, throw a ball, kick a ball, and climb up stairs. He will "read" a book--and knows when it is upside down. He will scribble with crayons (for a few seconds before trying to eat them), sings songs, and blows kisses. He knows several words in sign language (his favorite is cookie) and understands A LOT of what we say. More than he lets on I am sure.

There are only two issues we have to deal with. One is cutting him off of his pacifier. That is a task for another day. When I can be home from work for several days--and when I am feeling much, much better. What a nightmare that will be. The other thing is his limited spoken vocabulary. Most babies Cade's age can say 10-20 words. Cade says juice, shoes, ball, up, and many animal sounds. But, he doesn't say Mommy or Daddy or doggy...things like that. So, as a precaution--we are sure everything is fine-- Cade will go and have his hearing tested. Better to get things checked out than ignore them.

Cade only had to get one shot today. Now he is done with vaccines until he is three years old! Yeah! He did great with it, but was very ready to go at the end of the appointment.


K said...

In one of your scrolly pictures, I swear it looks like he's trying to flip you off. Man I love that kid!

Jennifer said...

Look online about the pacifier. I had found a story... too late for Emily... but it read something like the pacifier your child has has a mommy and daddy and needs to go back to his land...
It came from MAM brand. If I can find it, I'll send it to you. Em was four when we got her get rid of it.
Words are not as important as the doctor is making out out to be. Em was 2 and we noticed that she had a limited vocab. Call me some time and I'll tell you the whole long sorted story.

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...