Sunday, February 3, 2008

Truffle Trouble

I love the pharmacy I work in.

We are a slower store with a steady customer base. Which means at Christmas we get a lot of goodies from our customers who like us and appreciate us. Things like yummy home baked breads, cookies, etc. One customer brought us a bag of chocolate truffles that were meltinyourmouthohmygoodness good. Not wanting everyone at work to find out what a pig I truly am, I had two of them and then told myself that they were off limits. The fact that I listened to myself is an amazing thing.

I worked this weekend. The intern who was working with me (who we stole from my husband's pharmacy) decided she needed some chocolate and pulled out the bag of truffles. I watched her to see if I could still refrain from eating one or if I was going to be overwhelmed by the sight of the heavenly chocolate. What Karen pulled out of the bag looked identical to DOG POOP! I laughed and laughed. That really helped me decide that I didn't need to eat one. Karen still ate one. A different that looked more like a ball of chocolate and less like canine feces.

We left this piece of chocolate on a stool in the pharmacy for the staff to find tomorrow. We contemplated leaving a note with it. Things like, "Beware of Stool on Stool" and "Same Shit, Different Day" came to mind. But, in the end (no pun intended) we decided that no note was the best thing. Leaving it a mystery makes it perfect.

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...