Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I have been long gone, but finally a few minutes to get on blogger! Not much to say, but pictures galore!

Mr. Zane smiles all the time. He is such a cutie!

After a bath, I was combing Zane's hair and fell in love with his perfect swirl on the back of his head. Picture worthy!

Cade loves to help give Zane a bath!

Dad, Jim, and Cade spent a morning trimming our two fruit trees. You can see Cade shooting the fallen grapefruit into the trash can.

Not much else going on except for Jim is recovering from his hernia surgery. Pretty sore and miserable, but getting better each day! Luckily he doesn't have to back to work for a couple of weeks.


K said...

Save some fun for me. 10 days! I can't wait to see you and to meet Zane. Mmm, baby kisses! Tell Caden Aunt Kim can't wait to Rock-Out! with him.

Unknown said...

Did you see the RED in Zane's hair?

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...