Wednesday, February 20, 2008

For those of you who can add...(I am apparently not one of them) I haven't reached my 100th post. Oh well.

I suppose most of you just took my word for it...but if you added up the numbers on the sidebar that links to the posts, you would see that I only have 95. So, we will celebrate #100 again in a few days. Thanks for not noticing, caring, or questioning me!

Yesterday we went to the Little Gym. When we got back, Jim asked how Cade did. I replied, "Well, Miss Monica said lets warm up by walking....Cade threw himself on the floor and screamed....Miss Monica said lets go explore...Cade threw himself on the floor and screamed...Miss Monica said lets put the balls away...Cade threw himself on the floor and screamed...ARE YOU SEEING A PATTERN?"

I couldn't figure it out. Cade loves the Little Gym, and usually has no problem doing what the group is doing. But, yesterday he was awful. He didn't want to do anything...I was horrified.

That, and you can't wear shoes in the gym...and it took me until halfway through the class to realize that my socks had a hole in them. A gigantic hole. That horrified me as well. Good thing we have a week to recover!


Blade said...

I know you probably don't think its funny, but your post made me smile. Cade randomly throwing himself down to have a fit at every activity makes me giggle a bit. Maybe because I remember that kind of stuff with the boys and now its happening to you and not me. :P

Just remember, though I might mock your pain and laugh at you.. I have nothing but love for you guys. Miss you all!


flyingace said...

I feel your pain about the hole in the sock. I went through that going through security at LAX last week. Pretty bad being in uniform and then having to stand in line at one of the world's busiest airport with a nice hole in the sock.

Happy belated / early 100th.

K said...

I must admit that I'm with J on this one. *snicker*

Just wait, the really loud and annoying toys will be arriving at your house shortly.

Love and miss you TONS!

hangel said...

What toys? Loud annoying toys? NO MORE! And J and are MEAN! Laughing at my horrifying day. Hmph...
Jeremy--I will buy you new socks if you buy me some! Deal?

Angel said...

Hole in the sock mortifies me....I made sure to go through my socks and find non-holey ones to wear while going thru security at the way was I chancing it! And poor mommy...I just can't see that cute lil boy doing that. Must have aggrivated you to no end!

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...