Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Baby Broken...

My Mom has a doll. My aunt, her sister, made it for her. It is a cute baby doll.

Well, Cade found it. He adopted the baby doll as his own. It was cute. He would hug her...feed her, carry her around, put her in his rocking chair so she could watch Nemo, too. It was absolutely adorable.

But then came the accident. I think it was somewhat more on purpose that an "accidental" drop. More like a "grab-her-by-the-leg-and-toss". Unfortunately the baby's head was made of porcelain. Not good when it makes contact with a tile floor. I heard the crash..,then saw the ear. I am still hoping Cade doesn't repeat the words I said when I heard it hit the floor.

The ear was laying on the floor. I picked up the doll and her severed ear and realized her skull was destroyed. I panicked and removed her hair so I could see the extent of the damage. It was bad. Jim got Cade ready for bed...and once he was asleep, we started our surgery on the poor dolly. I didn't get a good "before" picture (I was still horrified) but you can see her brains leaking out as Jim tries to piece her skull back together.

Skull pieces and the super glue...
More tools for the surgery. TAPE and SCISSORS.

A mostly patched skull (thank goodness this wasn't a bald baby!)
She looks pretty good, doesn't she? If you look closely, you can see the line in her ear that is where the ear fell off!

Here is the dolly as good as new. Her skull is a little fragile, but on display she will be just fine. We just have to hide her from Cade.

I brought the recovering dolly back to my Mom's today. Since Cade was coming into the kitchen, Mom put her on top of the fridge so Cade wouldn't see her. It only took him about two minutes to notice her. "BABY!" he said. I said that the baby was still broken. So he couldn't have her. He was okay with that as he was distracted by something else quickly.

Lets hope he is nicer with his future sibling.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Poor baby! I feel more horrible when I break things my mom has made. I can send you a few hundred dolls if Caden really wants one. :)

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...