Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Just So You Know...

Cade and I went to Little Gym today.

On the way home, Cade informed me that his tummy was full. Huh?! What does that mean? He had some what of a pained expression on his face, but he took his blankie and put it on his stomach and declared himself all better. So, I thought nothing else of it.

We went to Costco and did some shopping with Mom and Dad and had lunch there. We got home in plenty of time to play for a few minutes before it was nap time. I put Cade down for a nap around 12:45. Pretty routine...

However, Cade did not sleep. He did stay in his room, but he never slept. At one point, he started to look drowsy (I love my video monitor) so I went in to cover him up since he had thrashed his bed playing. I opened his door, told him I would tuck him in...pulled back his sheet...and there it was. POOP! On his sheets. It was just a little, but the fact that it had escaped his diaper bothered me. I cringed. I just wanted him to sleep. I wanted to sleep. But that was clearly not an option at that moment. I got Cade changed and all cleaned up. Got Cade back in bed and instructed him to SLEEP (because that works really well!) and headed to my bed to nap for a little bit.

Cade managed to stay in his bed for another 20 minutes...and I managed to fall into a deep sleep in that 20 minutes. Short lived nap on my part--and a complete lack of one on Cade's part.

Cade and I made cookies and chex mix to help pass the afternoon. Jim came home a little after 4:00pm and Cade fell asleep on the couch as I was washing up after our baking right around 5:00pm. After a few minutes of sleep he started coughing. Since we didn't really want him asleep at that moment--and more because he sounded like he was choking when he was coughing--Jim picked Cade up. Cade coughed, coughed, coughed, puked... Started crying. Coughed, coughed, coughed, puked. Poor Jim is getting puked on--and I am standing in the kitchen concerned for my son and dry heaving myself (I am a sympathetic puker--bad reaction!)

It was just that one episode of the coughing/puking, but it was enough. Now I know. When Cade says, "My tummy's full" be aware. It could be a sign of things to come...Just so you know.

1 comment:

Blade said...

Tummy Full = Uncle Josh leaves room ASAP. Got it. Important tip there. Thank you.

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...