Tuesday, December 16, 2008


One of Cade's cute phrases is "Whatcha do today?"

He will even ask inanimate objects (like our inflatable Christmas Penguin who resides in front of our house) that question. It is adorable. I am pretty sure it stemmed from my Mom asking Cade, "What did you do today?"

Well, even though YOU didn't ask me that question, I will answer it.

Today I went to a Travel Health training for my work. It was pretty interesting. Pharmacists are in a perfect situation to provide travel health counseling, vaccines, and oral medications for those traveling outside the U.S. And my company has a pretty cool protocol. It will be interesting to see how well it takes off here, but I am pretty excited. So, if you ever have the need to travel to Cambodia, Thailand, or if you would like to participate in the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, I know what vaccines and precautionary measures you need to take. Kind of cool information even if I never plan on personally needing it!

Other than that, the day was pretty typical. Jim is currently watching "The Biggest Loser" on TV downstairs. He seems to find it inspiring, but I am finding it depressing. All the people on the show worked really hard and lost a ton of weight. I am lacking that motivation and commitment. Plus, being preggo means I am gaining weight no matter what I do! Oh well. This too shall pass. But holy cow! The contestants on the show look amazing!

Baby #2 I think has made a commitment to exercising. This kid is ACTIVE! Constantly. It is an amazing feeling but I could totally do without the bladder kicks! When I went to the doctor yesterday, the nurse at my appointment was trying to listen to the heartbeat. She was chasing the baby around with the Doppler trying to get him to hold still long enough to measure it. She laughed and asked if he always moved this much...and my answer was yes! Apparently at my next appointment I should be able to schedule my c-section. Hard to believe that I am anywhere close enough for that! But...I am less than 3 months out at this point!

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...