Thursday, September 27, 2007

All Is Right With the World

If you don’t have anything nice to say…

I guess according to that old adage, I shouldn’t say anything. But what is the point of a blog if not to vent a little? Today was a crazy day. It started by me having to be at work at 7:00am—I know, that doesn’t sound that bad. But going in at 7:00am means a thirteen-hour shift instead of my normal twelve, which is long enough! Apparently a thirteen-hour shift is unlucky…especially when there is a full moon.

It really comes down to one patient. That is sad to me that one person can ruin a full thirteen-hour shift. Yet, it happens. He called at the end of the evening. Wanting to know the Latin words for the abbreviation on the prescriptions. I explained what the abbreviations meant, but for some unknown, completely unfathomable reason, he wanted to know the actual Latin words. Well, they teach us how to read and interpret prescriptions in pharmacy school. I never actually took a Latin course…so needless to say I couldn’t answer his questions. That made him very angry and proceeded to tell me that my education (all 7 years of higher education ending in a Doctor of Pharmacy degree) was a joke. Because I didn’t know Latin?! I have worked in pharmacy for over 11 years now and never once have I been asked this question. I ended up being on the phone with this man who ruined my day for at least 20 minutes while he criticized me. It was upsetting to say the least. Even more so since I was in my thirteenth hour at work and I was tired. And done.

After work I went to pick up Cade from my Mom’s house. (She is so wonderful and baby-sits every Thursday when I work and usually at least one other day of the week.) I walked in and started telling my woeful tale. My parents listened to me vent. Mom got us snacks and Dad poured me a drink. A tall one, with my friend Smirnoff. I felt so much better. Then, ready to go, I picked my beautiful sleeping baby boy out of the crib to carry him to the car. His hair was sticking up in all directions, sleep pulling at his eyes. He snuggled right into me and laid his head on my shoulder. All of the sudden, all was right with the world.

By the way, incase you were wondering…(Thanks, Google!)

Latin medical terms and English translations
bis in die, b.i.d., twice daily
hora somni, h.s., at bedtime
quater in die, q.i.d, four times a day
quiaque die, q.d., every day
ter in die, t.i.d., three times a day

1 comment:

Angel said...

I know exactly who you are talking about....I completely feel your pain. I hate when that person calls and ruins my day. He has done it multiple times. GRRR!!

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...