Monday, September 24, 2007

The "First Adolescence"

“During the second twelve months of life, your child will display a gamut of behaviors and emotions that, depending on your frame of mind, you may find confusing, amusing, or downright exasperating. A little preparation and some insight into the emerging worldview of a one-year-old can help you sort out and manage this important developmental passage.”

When I was flipping through my Baby_&_Child_Care_book (okay, so reading word for word to ensure that I did not miss a single sentence that could prove to be detrimental to my child’s growth and well being) I came across this title: Social and Emotional Development: The “First Adolescence.” At first I thought I had turned to the wrong chapter because this book covers the first 18 years of life. I thought maybe I had turned to the chapter on twelve years instead of twelve months. No. I was on the correct page. My one-year-old? And yet, it makes sense…
Cade is at a point where his personality is really starting to come through. He is physically capable of doing more things and has discovered that he can make things happen (whether it makes me scream or not is besides the point). He is beginning to push his boundaries to see how far he can go. And yet, his push for independence is sometimes collapsed by his young emotions and inability to know how to handle certain situations. I suppose it is like a teenager who is also pushing his boundaries and still somewhat naïve in the ways of the world, but thinks he knows everything. So, are we in a first adolescence? I suppose in a way we are. But with love and patience, we will make it through our “ornery ones” and into our “terrible twos”.

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A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...