Monday, September 10, 2007

For the Love of the Doodlebops

I'm just a kid who's four
Each day I grow some more
I like exploring
I'm Caillou.

So many things to do
Each day is something new
I'll share them with you
I'm Caillou.

There is nothing like finding yourself singing the theme song to Caillou (which is on at 7:30am) after lunch...when you child is napping. I forget important things like my license that I need to renew at work. But, I will not and can not forget the words the the Caillou theme song. Or the them song to Handy_Manny Or the Doodlebops...oh yeah. I am sure I sing them in my sleep. They play constantly in my head.

But, worse than singing the theme songs of shows you watched with you leaving the same channel on when your child goes down for a nap. And that happens all the time in my house. I think my husband secretly enjoys the Doodlebops. And watches them even if Cade is asleep. It is a scary thing to watch a grown man sit and willingly and purposefully watch the Doodlebops. Just one more reason why I love him!

1 comment:

Blade said...

I knew there was something wrong with him.. sitting watching the doodlebops without Caden..

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...