Monday, February 25, 2008

My, What Good Manners You Have

At a family party last night, Jim's Grandma kept commenting on how neat Cade was while eating.

It was true...Cade was feeding himself with his fork--and really wasn't making a mess at all. Of course, he was eating strawberries, which he loves, and a cheese crisp, which isn't really messy...and he had some help from his Grandma--whose lap he was sitting on.

Just to set the record straight, Cade is NOT a neat eater most of the time. And dinner tonight proved that. You should never turn your back on a child armed with a fork and sweet potatoes...

This was Cade after he ate an ice cream cone on a walk we went where near neat!

Luckily, this kid is washable--and seems to enjoy bath time!


Angel said...

Now thats the Cade I know and love!

flyingace said...

kind of looks like you do when you eat!!! Ha!

K said...

Heck, Gabe is 10 and he still gets stuff EVERYWHERE! I'd be disappointed if Caden were neat and tidy while eating. What if he turned out like Jeremy :-O

(luv u jeremy)

Jennifer said...

loving the devil horns in the tub!
Emily is very messy also. I'm still trying to fifure out how she gets Oreos in her hair!

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...