Saturday, February 2, 2008

How to Get My Husband Excited

Okay. Get your mind out of the gutter.

I get random emails. You buy something once and you are on their email lists forever. I got an email from Ticketmaster advertising their upcoming events. I read through the email and I found out that the Doodlebops are coming in concert. I laughed. I called Jim at work and here is our conversation:

Me: Hey, guess who's coming in concert!
Him: Who?
Me: The Doodlebops! (snicker, snicker) Isn't that funny!
Him: We should go! (In a scarily excited voice)
Me: You want to see them?
Him: Well, I think Cade would love it.
Me: He is 18 months old...who would love it? You or him?
Him: When is it?
Me: Sunday the 17th.
Him: Shoot! I have to work! You could take him.
Me: I don't want to see the Doodlebops.
Him: Maybe next time.

Do you remember my very first post? I said that I thought Jim secretly really liked the Doodlebops. I think he is being less secretive and more obvious. I am still NOT going to that concert!

Here is a video of Jim's favorite part of the Doodlebops show. He will sing this song all day!


Angel said...

I only have one word after watching that......Scary!

Misha said...

Hey, Jim's not alone in his obsession for scary kids shows. Jeremy secretly likes The Wiggles. He even did a skit at our church where him and the bishopric dressed up like them and did the whole routine. It was hilarious and the kids loved it.

K said...

I think I actually had brain cells commit suicide while I watched that. HORRIBLE.

Jennifer said...

Get on the Bus!
Here we Go!
We took Em to see the Wiggles in Albany when she was about 2. It was fun and she can say that she was at a concert before any of us were.
But, come on.... Doodlebops? Go online and look at what they really look like in real life.
Does anyone remember the issues when Steve came off of Blue's Clues and onto a R rated TV show? At least the Doddlebops think ahead to hide their faces behind make up from the kids.

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...