Sunday, March 2, 2008

Do I Sound Like a Broken Record?

Cade is sick. I am sick. I have heard this all before.

Well, I know for sure I am sick. Cade's symptoms could be teething or allergies. But the fever he has had off and on for about 5 days now concerns me a little more. He is drooling up a storm. It was super windy today and his drool would leak out of his mouth and get carried away in the wind--usually landing on me. Kinda gross. Poor baby...his mouth is runny, his nose is runny, and his eyes are runny. He is not feeling all that great. Meanwhile, since I feel pretty lousy myself, I find I have been more exasperated with him the last few days. I try to be patient and not lose my cool, but I am human...and this cold and Cade just drained me this weekend.

On Friday night I got a Wii injury. Yes, it was self-inflicted...and yes, I had been drinking. We were playing the Wii Olympics--which is super fun, or was until I maimed myself. We were doing hammer throws. You have to swing the Wii remote around to get your character on the screen to swing the ball on the chain. I was really into it...and swinging the remote...and got a little too close to my chin. OUCH!

Everyone (all family members) was laughing at me. It was kinda funny, but also kind of painful. I took a huge chunk of skin off of my chin and was practically bleeding to death while everyone fell on the floor laughing. Okay, maybe it wasn't quite that bad. There was blood, though. I do have a scab on my chin even though it is pretty small. Small enough that hopefully nobody will notice at work tomorrow and ask me to explain. I need to make up a good story in case anyone does ask. Any suggestions?


Jenae C. said...

LOL!!!! It was REALLY funny!!! I hope your chin is feeling better, but it was still really funny!!! How many people can say that they have a Wii injury??? LOL!!(love you)!

Blade said...

Just goes to show why they have to put warnings on those kinds of things. You would think "don't hit yourself in the face with controller" would be common sense, but see what happens when you make assumptions? :P

I know I should feel bad for you right now since you are sick. But I have to follow my job description which says I have to give you crap if you whack yourself in the melon with a game controller. Its the rules.

Much <3 Sis.

Jennifer said...

Well, lets see... you were running after (fill in the name of what ever hot man) who had left his American Express Black Card in your car after treating you to a day at the mall and tripped over your Jimmy Choos and ball gown....

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...