Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Switch

Have you seen it?

It must be like a light switch...you know...you can turn it on and turn it off with just a mere flick of the hand...

I can't find it on Cade. But I know he has a switch. He turns it on and off by himself pretty regularly throughout the day. Don't understand what I am talking about? Let me illustrate it for you...

We were at the Little Gym today. Cade was in a pretty good mood this morning which made the start of Little Gym much more enjoyable. I don't remember what happened to set him off, but he was mad and started throwing a temper tantrum. Screaming, crying, face down on the ground... Miss Monica came over and said, "It must be time to get the balls out!" Cade immediately stopped crying, sat up, and smiled and said, "Ball!"

That is the switch. He turns it on and screams and cries like he is being tortured...then, as quick as it starts, he can turn it off.

But right now, especially since he isn't feeling well, he is in charge of the switch. I need to find it because I would love to have much more control over turning it off!

1 comment:

Blade said...

Poor little guy.. still sick :/

Give him a big hug for me. Hope he feels better soon. What is going to make me laugh a little bit on the inside though is when you find that he is feeling better and that switch still exists :P

Got to nip that in the bud!

<3 you Sis!

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...