Thursday, August 28, 2008

Welcome Back!

Between my ear problems and baby-sitting difficulties, I hadn't been to work in two weeks.
Until today.

Two weeks doesn't sound like a LONG time, but long enough. On my short drive to work, I was making sure I remembered all my passwords to the computers, etc. It is amazing how quickly your mind forgets things you don't use. And that are important. Non-important things I tend to retain. Forever.

So, I went into work. Started up the computers. Started printing prescriptions that needed to be filled. I get six labels printed and the printer jammed up. I calmly opened the compartments, pulled out the ink cartridge, removed the jammed paper...put the cartridge back in. Closed the compartments. Hit GO! Ahhh...problem solved!

Spin...spin...BEEP! Jammed. I roll my eyes and head back over to the printer.

I opened the compartments, pulled out the ink cartridge, removed the jammed paper...put the cartridge back in. Closed the compartments. Hit GO!

Spin...spin...BEEP! Jammed. I muttered obscenities under my breath at the printer.

I opened the compartments, pulled out the ink cartridge, removed the jammed paper...put the cartridge back in. Closed the compartments. Hit GO!

Spin....BEEP! Jammed. I was ready to take the printer and throw it.

Once again, I opened the compartments, pulled out the ink cartridge, removed the jammed paper--oh no. Not all the paper came out this time. I can see it stuck on the roller in the printer. I reach in there to pull it out...and yelped. I kneeled down to look in there and then noticed the warning :

Caution. HOT! 356 F was hot. For sure. Now I am cursing the computer, cursing the pain in my hand...and still unable to print ANYTHING.

So, I called the help desk. They said they would send someone right out...and to switch to our back-up printer. Ummm...our back-up printer? Doesn't work! It was as effective as having a spare tire in your car that is flat. What good does it do? NONE!

We waited for help. A tech came out (almost two hours later, but still he came!) and replaced parts on our primary printer and back-up printer. Finally, I could get to work.

That I guess was a great welcome back to work. I need Josh's schedule where I can have a five-day weekend. (Shhh..most of the time, I do!)

1 comment:

Angel said...

Many times I felt like slamming my head into the counter trying to figure that stupid printer out. I really think its possessed.

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...