Monday, October 1, 2007

A Romantic Way to Perish

Candy Update
We are down to four candy bars. I am happy to report, that I am still only responsible for the disappearance of one of them. Apparently since I had one, Jim thought it was then okay to have one, too. So, out of the six candy bars I bought for my trip, we have four remaining. Hopefully those four will remain until the trip on Friday. (If you have no clue what I am talking about, read the previous post!)

In Remembrance

I met a girlfriend for dinner tonight. As I was leaving, I got in the car in the garage. I thought it smelled a little like trash in our garage. Rotting trash. When I came home after dinner, I thought the same thing. I wondered if maybe a poopy diaper made it as far as the garage, but not out into the trash can on the side of the house. I parked the car and came inside and complained to Jim. Trash hunting is definitely a "husband" job.

So I came into the office to check email. Jim went out to the garage. He came in like 10 minutes later. I asked him if he had located the source of the problem and he said yes. I asked what it was and I was told I didn't want to know. But I did. Or I thought I did. I am sure you don't want to know. But I am going to tell you anyway.

Jim and I had gone out to eat last week...and had left the cups of soda in his car. He handed them to me the next time we got in his car and told me to dump the soda in the rocks and throw the cups away. I told him I didn't want to pour soda on the rocks and attract ants. So I put the cups with some soda in them on his work bench in the garage thinking that I would pour them out in the sink when we got home. I forgot.

Apparently, at some point during the week that the cups sat on the workbench, a mouse got into our garage, chewed its way into the top of the cup, fell in and drowned in Dr. Pepper. So the rotting smell was not a poopy diaper...but a dead mouse in a moldy soda cup. Jim has disposed of the poor mouse. He now has plans to clean up his workbench area tomorrow to make sure there are no more undiscovered mouse "traps".

I suppose in the end it was a romantic way to perish--for a mouse.

1 comment:

Angel said...

I have no words...totally funny tho and would only happen in your house. :)

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...