Sunday, November 11, 2007

Anyone Missing Their Insoles?

I work in a pharmacy.

To deal with any patient confidential information, you must be HIPAA trained. That means we understand that we can't go blabbing any patient's personal information. DUH! But, of course some stupid person somewhere screwed up and made the government have to make a law... Anyway. That is not the point of my story.

I work in a grocery store. It is convenient for a lot of people to get their prescriptions filled while they shop. However, that means some people either forget to come back and pick up their prescription, or they somehow leave it in their cart. When they leave it in their cart, the prescription comes back to the pharmacy so we, who are HIPAA trained, can call the patient and hold it until they come back for it. Doesn't happen a lot, but it does happen.

On Saturday, a bagger that works up front brought me a bag and said that he was told to give it to me. It was a prescription bag. But, there was no label on it...or a receipt. I asked the bagger what was in it and he said he was told not to look in the bag. I took the bag. Just feeling through the bag I could tell that there were not prescriptions in there. I opened the bag and found...


You know the kind of plastic/gel inserts you can put in your shoes?! And these were not new insoles in a package. It was like someone bought new ones, took the old ones out and put them in a pharmacy bag. How these disgusting, used, smelly insoles ended up in a pharmacy bag I don't know. But I do know that HIPAA trained or not, you could tell that there was most definitely NOT a prescription in the bag or any personal health information at risk.

So what did I do with them? I left them in their bag...on the counter...for my partner to find in the morning. It is a little funny!

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A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...