Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Cruddy Croup

It feels like it has been forever since I have posted.
Maybe it has been a few days.
But I have a good excuse.

Cade has the croup. As I am typing this he is coughing in his sleep. It started a few days ago, but it has gotten progressively worse the last two days. We went to see the doctor today. Cade kind of started to panic as the nurse was checking his vitals--I am assuming he was remembering that only last week he got four shots as part of his 15 month check-up. So, I held him and promised him that today the doctor was just going to look at him. No shots today, I promised.

You should never make a promise to your child about something that is really not in your control. He ended up getting a steroid shot that will help reduce the inflammation in his throat and chest. It was exactly what he needed, but unfortunately it was in an injectable form. Here I had promised my baby that he wouldn't have to get a shot, and then he ended up getting one anyway. Poor Cade. He survived the shot...and we survived the resulting ornery boy.

After his appointment and lunch, Cade had a two hour afternoon nap--you would think that would make him feel better, but he woke up from the nap as irritable as could be. NOTHING would make him happy. Believe me, we tried everything. It was not fun, but at least we knew that his attitude was because of the shot and the fact that he really doesn't feel well. Makes you appreciate what a happy pleasant child he is most of the time.

Hopefully he will feel much better in the morning!

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...