Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Magnet

They have a toddler size shirt at Walgreen's that says "Babe Magnet".

I should totally get it for Cade. He somehow in his quiet, adorable, chubby cheeked way attracts everyone--not just women to him. It is amazing. At my parents party, I was sitting next to him outside while he was in his highchair enjoying dinner. Eating dinner that night took him probably 30-45 minutes because he was interrupted so many times by people stopping by to talk to him, pinch his cheeks, rub his arms, pretend to eat the little plastic Pilgrim Duck he had gotten from Nana. Since he was the only one there under like the age of twenty he had the attention of everyone. Even when it was way past his bedtime, he didn't want to leave. He was having too much fun being the center of attention.

Not that Cade is really a party animal. He is much more of an observer. He will stare down every new person that talks to him. He really loves to watch people and things going on around him...and participate only once he is comfortable. He will put up with strangers touching him, but will generally not respond with a smile or a giggle. But, even with his initial aloof behavior, he is still a people magnet.

On a side note, I was not going to post until tomorrow night. But, today my sister-in-law informed me that she reads this blog everyday (Hi Alisha!) I just didn't want to disappoint her and not have a new post up. Now I must go finish my shopping list and prepare for Black Friday! Happy Turkey Day!

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Since I didnt have to work on Friday I am just now catching up on the blog, however it was nice to see that you thought about me!! Thanks! :-)
Love ya..

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...