Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Teething is the Pits

Poor Cade has molars coming in.

Teething is pretty horrible to begin with. Add to that the fact that he has FOUR molars coming in (one in each quadrant of the mouth) at the same time and you have one unhappy toddler. Add to that the fact that he also has a cold and you have a miserable toddler and a miserable Mommy. Add to that the fact that Daddy is sick, too, and you have an unhappy family. It has been a rough past couple of weeks.

The good news is three of the four teeth have pretty much come in. And judging by the screaming we had this morning, I am pretty sure the fourth one is pushing its way through. At least that is what I am assuming the crying fit was about. It is so hard at this age. When he cries, I am not sure why he is crying (unless I just told him no about something). Makes it so hard to know if you are doing the right things for your child or not.

Everyone has said it is hard being a parent. But, boy, is it hard being a parent!

1 comment:

K said...

You are an amazing Mom!
It's just that toddlers have multiple personalities and none of them speak english.

Miss you

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...