Monday, January 28, 2008

Here We Go Again!

Poor Cade. Sick again.

Well, I am not sure if it is really AGAIN, or just STILL. But, after weeks of coughing, congestion, and runny nose his breathing was getting labored again. So, back to the doctor we went. He had to do two breathing treatments in the office. The first one cleared up a lot of the congestion in his lungs, but the doc still wanted him to do a second one. Now we are back on steroids and breathing treatments at home. Ahhhh...isn't life grand?

Jim got the game Rock Band for his birthday. It is crazy. His sister came over to play. She was the lead guitar, Jim played the drums, and I sang. Luckily the game doesn't care if you have a good voice or not, just if you can sing the right words at the right time. I am not a great singer--not even good, but I still got 100% on my part! It was fun.

I have been to the gym four times now. Aren't you proud of me? And eating much better--while still enjoying most of the things I like. And I am down a few pounds! I only have 2 months to lose a few (50) more so when I go to Hawaii I won't be confused for a beached whale. Happy Monday!


Misha said...

Isn't that scary! I hope the poor guy's feeling better. Kolby had that too, when he was little. We even had a scary helicopter ride to Phx Children's one time and he had to stay overnight. That's when they finally sent us home w/our own machine for his breathing treatments. He luckily seems to have out-grown it now, though, so hopefully Cade will too.

Misha said...

Isn't that scary! I hope the poor guy's feeling better. Kolby had that too, when he was little. We even had a scary ( and expensive) helicopter ride to Phx Children's one time and he had to stay overnight. That's when they finally sent us home w/our own machine for his breathing treatments. He luckily seems to have out-grown it now, though, so hopefully Cade will too.

Jennifer said...

Welcome to my world. Emily is sick again too! Breathing treatments and a stomach bug to boot. You're a pharmasist. Where is that damn magic pill?

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...