Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Prayers Please

I know. A lot seems to be going on lately.

I don't mean to be greedy with my prayer requests, but we could use a lot of them these days... Here are some updates--and much needed prayer requests.

My co-worker, Debbie. She was the one involved the horrible Utah bus accident a few days ago. She and her family were traveling home from a weekend of skiing. Debbie's 16 year-old daughter, her sister-in-law, and her mother died in this accident. Debbie's husband is in critical condition with fluid on the brain and Debbie, herself, is in critical condition with collapsed lungs and a fractured neck and pelvis.

My friend, Noelle. She is the one with the Trisomy 18 baby, Brielle. Brielle was hospitalized yesterday with what the doctors are calling early stages of heart failure. This little baby--only 2 months old--will require emergency open heart surgery very soon.

My husband, Jim. We went to the emergency room last night. He was having chest pains. Kind of scary for a man who is only 31. The doctor believes that it was only acid reflux as all of the tests and heart monitoring was completely normal. Jim will follow up with a cardiologist in a few days just to make sure that there are no problems. Thanks Mom and Dad for coming over so late last night to watch Cade while we went to the hospital! Love you!

I know everyone has their own things to worry about, but any prayers would be greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

K said...

You, Jim and Caden are always in my prayers. I will step it up a it though.

Please keep me posted on what is going on.

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...