Sunday, January 20, 2008

I can not come up with a creative title, so just read the post if you want to

A true rambling of recent events and thoughts.

  • Jim and I watched the movie, World_Trade_Center, last night. I know...we are a little behind on our movies (well, I am for sure) but we finally got to it. It was incredible to see what it was like in the towers on 9-11-01. Incredible in an absolutely horrific way. The story was unbelievable.
  • Tonight was a benefit dinner and auction at a new restaurant in town to support the Bowden_Family fund. Jim and I took Cade to try out the new restaurant--who donated 50% of tonight's profits to the fund, but the wait was too long. Which is a great thing, the turnout was amazing...but with a one-year-old, we couldn't wait the 90 minutes they told me it would be for a table. So, in the same plaza, we found a neat little Italian place. It was a little fancy for Cade--they will have to bleach the white tablecloth we had, but I told Jim we would have to come back for a quiet date night.
  • Cade and I had a lot of bonding time this weekend. Just the two of us--without my parents to meet for lunch or anything. Yesterday we went for long walks to the toy store and to the park. Today we went to the mall. We had lunch, saw the puppies, went to the Disney store. Jim doesn't like it when my parents go out of town. He thinks it costs him too much. I don't think it costs anymore--I shop just as well with my mom as I do alone!
  • In my next life I am coming back as a man. I know Jim worked all weekend, but taking care of Cade can be just as exhausting--if not more. And I had NO help. And I managed to do laundry (including the sheets, towels, etc) and clean the house...and take Cade to the doctor (which took almost 2 hours to have them tell me that he just has a cold). Tonight when we came home from dinner, Jim sat down to watch the football game. And I, who has taken care of Cade ALL weekend, got him dessert, gave him a bath, got him into bed...came back downstairs to empty his diaper bag, wash his dishes, clean up his toys... Right when I was finishing up, Jim came out and said, "Need help?" I could've killed him. Don't get me wrong...Jim is a great husband and Dad but sometimes he is just seriously lacking in the "help" department.
  • My retainer thing is not so bad anymore--but I will not wear it to work. It just impedes my speech way too much. But I can wear it at home without it hurting or driving me too nuts.
  • I have done really well eating better. I didn't do so well today, but instead of giving up totally and eating a gallon of ice cream, I will just say, tomorrow is a new day...and I will only eat a bowl of ice cream!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I know the feeling when Mom goes away. But Emily is sure enjoying her company! As for the help.... it's chromosomial. Brian does the same thing.

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...