Thursday, January 17, 2008

It's Only January 17th.

So I am a little late with my resolutions.

Well, not late. Just procrastinating. Yeah, okay. Add that to my list of resolutions.
My big resolution this year is:
To change my lifestyle habits to that next January my weight is NOT one of my resolutions.

So, I have started really paying attention to what I eat. Kind of incorporating Weight Watchers point system--it really does a good job of saying eat what you want, where you want, but there has to be a balance. If you want pizza for dinner, splurge one night. ONE night. Not every night. Or, if you want McDonald's for lunch, get a small order of nuggets and fries--but then you better have salad for dinner. Basic concepts, right. You have to expend more energy than you consume to lose weight. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Just motivation to accomplish it.

Jim and I are supposed to go to the gym tomorrow morning. Lets hope Cade survives the Kids Club there so I can work out. Just 30-60 minutes. That will be a great start, I think.

I can use all the encouragement I can get! Hope everyone is doing well with their New Year's Resolutions!


Blade said...

Good for you and Jim! I am right there with you so hopefully next time we see each other we'll all be fabulous.

Jennifer said...

Good luck. You have the right idea. Remember when you eat, things with color are better than things that are white. We have a favorite Chinese place that uses only brown rice. It's the little things that make the difference.

Angel said...

Im right there with you! Every step of the way. I want a pizza so bad I can taste it! LOL

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About Me

A wife and mother of one sweet boy who I affectionately refer to as my little monkey shine...